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Draw Colorful silkscreen

Thanks to the JLCPCB process support, EasyEDA can be very convenient to support color silkscreen printing.

Support the import of color pictures, and character color Settings, export manufacturing files after the order in JLCPCB. Expected 2023 JLCPCB small batch open color silkscreen printing production.

Turn on color silkscreen printing

You need to turn on the option of "Using JLC color silkscreen technology" in PCB Settings first.

图 37

Import color images

Jia EasyEDA support to import color pictures, preview pictures, choose to place the original picture

图 38 Will automatically be placed in the top silkscreen layer, you can also switch to the document layer or the bottom silkscreen layer.

图 39

Sets component silkscreen color

After selecting the component, you can set the silkscreen color in the right property panel

图 40

The internal line text, bit number and other attributes of the component will be produced using this color during manufacturing.

Set the silkscreen color

After clicking on the blank area of the canvas, you can see the color silkscreen Settings in the right property panel

图 41

Top/bottom panel color: Default white. Because the board needs color printing, it needs to print a base color first, and the color setting is the color of the base color.

Top/BOTTOM silkscreen color: DEFAULT silkscreen color, such as bit number, component shape silkscreen color. If the component has a separate silkscreen color, the option will preferentially use a separate color.

Preview colorful silkscreen printing

In the top menu - View - 2D/3D Preview, you can preview color silkscreen printing and pictures.

In the right property panel of the preview interface, modify the silkscreen printing process to color silkscreen printing, and you can see the color printing effect.

图 42

Export manufacturing files

After setting and editing the color silkscreen printing, output the color silkscreen printing production file.

Entry: Top menu - Export - PCB Board file (Gerber)

Select Export color silkscreen to export Gerber.

图 43

If you want to make SMT for your colorful PCB, you need to make a panelize option

图 44

After Gerber generated, there are two silkscreen fabrication files for JLCPCB to fabriaction in the Gerber zip file.

图 45

JLCPCB doesn't launch the colorful silkscreen ordering yet, need some time to finish the process.

Order Colorful Silkscreen PCB

(To be launched by JLCPCB color ordering function)