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Export 3D file

EasyEDA pro currently only supports the export of 3D files in two formats.

Export method

  • Top Menu -Export -3D File

图 0

图 4

File type

  • STEP:The exporting Step format must be the 3D model binding of the PCB device and is also STEP format. Otherwise, the exported STEP will not have a model.

  • OBJ: Export Obj format is a compressed package with material files.You can use Window 10 3D viewer preview.

Export object

  • PCB: PCB substrate, which contains a slot digging area

  • Component model: 3D model of components

  • Via: Metal diamonds with perforated and multi -layer pads

  • Silk Screen:Text and graphics of the top and bottom silkscreen layer

  • Signal layer circuits: Copper foil on the top and bottom layers

Export option: Display the option when exporting Step file

  • Assembly: As an assembly export, PCB and 3D models are separated

  • Part: As parts export, PCB and 3D models are a whole

For components without bound 3D models, 3D models will be automatically generated (based on the "Height" property): After checking, there is no component of 3D models, but when there is Height attribute, it will generate a cubic exporting according to the rectangular shape and high information of the component to export

图 2

The component is unsuccessful loading prompt

During the export, if the component model is checked, and some component models are not successfully loaded, the prompt pop -up window will appear first

图 3

Type of failure

  • Unbound 3D model

  • Unbound 3D model in STEP format

  • The bound 3D model id was not found

  • 3D model loading failed due to network issues

After processing the exception, click to reload all the model button, then click to processing completed,continue to export the final 3D file to the local.