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Move the selected element.


  • Select object Top Menu - Edit - Move or select object right click

图 190

Move by Center Point

  1. Select object - Top Menu - Edit - Move - Move by Center Point

  2. Select the object - click the right mouse button - move - move according to the center

  3. Shortcut key "M"

图 191

Move by Origin Point

  • select object - Top Menu - edit - move - move by origin or right mouse button - move - move by origin
    图 193

After selection, the object can be dragged according to the object origin, such as footprint origin

图 192

Move by Reference Point

Move the selected object according to the reference point selected by the user, click and select a reference point as the moving reference point to drag.

  • select object - Top Menu - move - move by reference point or right mouse button - move - move by reference point

图 195

图 194