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Left Panel - Commonly Library

Left Panel - Commonly Library

  • Left Panel - Commonly Library - Panel

图 0

When the current edit page is a panel, you can select a panel library through the Common Libraries panel on the left to quickly place the panel library.

图 1

Filter lookup

Support input filter for specific search.

图 2

Personal Library & System Library

Personal libraries need to choose panel libraries to add to commonly used libraries.

图 3

The system library is a commonly used example panel library provided by the official.

图 4

Add commonly library

Click the Settings icon in the upper left corner of the Common Libraries panel to pop up the Settings pop-up window to customize common libraries.

图 5

Commonly library classification

Click the green plus icon in the category list to add common library categories, and custom category names are supported.

图 6

Commonly library added

Click the green plus icon above the library information list on the right panel, and a pop-up window to select panel libraries will pop up, which can be customized to add commonly used libraries.

图 20

You can also select the panel library in the bottom panel library, and right-click the menu operation to add to the frequently used library.

图 7