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Shortcut Key

EasyEDA Pro provides many shortcut keys for users to use, and each shortcut key can be configured.

Enter the shortcut key configuration options:

Top Menu - Settings - Shortcuts

图 1

Modify shortcut keys

Double-click the shortcut key editor, then enter the corresponding modified shortcut key, and click OK to modify.

图 2

Common shortcut keys

The same shortcut keys can be used in different documents. The default shortcut keys are listed below.

Cancel the drawing state (default) / close the popupRight mouse button (click), ESC
Open projectCtrl+O​​
New ProjectShift+N
Save AllCtrl+S
Cross selectionShift+X
Round PassCtrl+Shift+X
Move according to the centerM
Delete selectedDelete
Previous PagePage Up
Next page/New pagePage Down
Previous widgetPage Up
Next widget/New widgetPage Down
Full ScreenF11
Select AllCtrl+A
Find ReplaceCtrl+F
Find Similar ObjectsCtrl+Shift+F
Zoom inAIt is not set by default since v1.8, you need to set it yourself, reserve a single key for the top menu
Zoom outZIt is not set by default since v1.8, you need to set it yourself, reserve a single key for the top menu
Fit AllK
View scroll leftLeft
View scroll rightRight
View scroll upUp
View scroll downDown
Highlight NetworkH
Cancel highlight networkSHIFT+H
Expand/Collapse Bottom Panel: Library, DRC, Find Structure, LogS
Rotate LeftSpace
Align LeftCtrl+Shift+L
Center Left and RightShift+Alt+E
Align rightCtrl+Shift+R
Top AlignCtrl+Shift+O
Center up and downShift+Alt+H
Align BottomCtrl+Shift+B
Snap to GridCtrl+Shift+G
Horizontal equidistant distributionCtrl+Shift+H
Vertical equidistant distributionCtrl+Shift+E
Move the selected graph to the leftLeft
Move the selected graph to the rightRight
Move the selected graph upUp
Move the selected graph downDown
Display properties dialog when placing elementTab
Switch selection range when an object is selectedTab
When drawing a rectangle, keep it as a square; when drawing a wire, the mouse moves horizontally or verticallyShift (long press)
Move the canvas (default)Right mouse button (long press)
Repeat to cursorCtrl+D
Repeat to other layersCtrl+Shift+D
Combined selectionCtrl+G
Open a document in a new windowCtrl+Shift+Left key
Close current tabShift+W
Close all tabsShift+Alt+W
Open help documentF1

Schematic/symbol shortcuts

Draw WireW
draw busB
draw pinsP
Draw ArcAlt+A
draw rectangleR
Draw a circleAlt+C
Draw PolylineAlt+L
draw textT
Place Network LabelsN
Highlight/Un-Highlight Net WireH
Place Device DialogShift+F
Display pin properties dialog when placing pin elementTab
Show Net Label Information dialog when placing net labelsTab
Display the Network Port Name Information dialog when placing a network portTab

PCB/package shortcuts

Switch common line weights while routingShift+W
Toggle common vias when routing/placing viasShift+V
Differential Pair RoutingAlt+D
Equal Length RouteShift+A
Increase the gap during isometric adjustmentNum+
Reduce the gap during isometric adjustmentNum-
Highlight/Un-Highlight Net WireH
Show/hide selected flylinesCtrl+R
Unhighlight allShift+H
Toggle layer brightnessShift+S
Flip the boardF
Place ViasV
Place a single padP
Combined selectionCtrl+G
Flip left and rightX
Upside downY
Single WiringW
Routing CornerL
Switch unitsQ
switch to top levelT
switch to bottom layerB
switch to inner layer 11
switch to inner layer 22
switch to inner layer 33
switch to inner layer 44
Switch to next copper layerNum*
Switch to previous copper layerShift+Num*
Hide/Show copper areaShift+M
Rebuild all coppersShift+B
Select overlapping entitiesG
Flip path while drawingSpace
Show all layersCtrl+L
Temporarily show/hide network nameCtrl+Q